
After completing your child's Sunday School registration, please be sure to pay using one of our payment options shown below. We have 2 payment options:

  1. Payment via Zelle / Quickpay (preferred method)

  2. Check Payment (will cause delay in processing)

Please visit the Fee Structure section to see what payment amount is due for the school year.

Payment Method 1: Zelle / Quickpay

Please visit QuickPay/Zelle through your online banking app or website to complete payment for the AMCO Weekend School year.

When finding a recipient to pay in Zelle or Quickpay, please make payments to the AMCO Zelle Email:

Please include “Sunday School, Home/Cell Phone #” in the memo of Zelle payments

Some helpful links:

Link to Zelle Website

How to send money via Zelle using Chase Bank

How to send money via Zelle using Bank of America

Payment Method 2: Check Payment

Please Note: There will be a delay in processing Check payment. Using online payments shown in Method 1 above is preferred.

Please make checks payable to “AMCO” and include “Sunday School, Home/Cell Phone #” in the memo.

Checks will need to be mailed to AMCO Masjid or dropped off in the AMCO mailbox.