Parent/Guardian Handbook & COVID-19 Responsibilities
Parent/Guardian is expected to accept the following responsibilities for their children in accordance with the Islamic guidelines:
Pay all tuition fee dues for the student’s enrollment in the school.
Bring your children to school on time.
Pick up your children on time.
Children need to be well groomed and dressed in accordance with the Islamic dress code.
Teach your children to respect everyone.
Encourage your children to be kind and courteous.
Encourage your children to respect teachers and to obey the school rules.
Make sure your children bring their books and all necessary study materials.
Check weekly with your children for homework assignments, quiz/exam dates, and for any written notices sent from AMCO Sunday School. When needed, schedule appointments with the teachers to meet either before or after school. We encourage you to stay in regular contact with your children’s teacher. The drive back from AMCO to home is a good use of time to discuss school activities with your children.
Sign online learning agreement form (if offered at AMCO Sunday School).
Actively support the programs and activities of the AMCO Sunday School.
Help your children with the memorization of the Qur’an, dua’, wudu, salah, adhan and iqamah at home.
Attend Parent-Teacher Conferences when scheduled.
AMCO Sunday School extracurricular activities (such as field trips) will require Parent’s permission. Information related to extracurricular activities will be provided to you ahead of time.
Parents are not allowed in the classroom or hallway. Sometimes children misunderstand or misinterpret the information given in the class. If you hear something from your child that sounds strange or wrong, please verify the information with the teacher directly instead of passing on the wrong information to others.
Parents may not contact any AMCO Sunday School students on school property for grievances, complaints or concerns. All complaints must be brought to the attention of the school principal regarding other students.
Notify Administration by 10:00 a.m. for absences. Administration will call parents for no show after 10:40 a.m.
Students leaving early must sign-out at the office and notify their respective teachers in advance.
Parent/guardian is expected to follow Islamic dress code when dropping and picking up their children in the masjid.
Students are to remain inside building when being picked up after school. Staff will monitor that students get into cars with correct parents/guardians.
Dhur salah is part of AMCO Sunday School curriculum and it is expected for all students and parents to participate. Parent/guardian who chooses to remain outside of the musallah area must remain quiet and wait patiently while their children perform the salah.
COVID-19 Advisory:
Please do not send your child to school if they have signs of any infectious illness. Please refer to your
healthcare provider for testing and care. To reduce the spread of COVID-19 at AMCO Sunday School, we
request parents and students to follow the below guidelines:
Please check your child(ren)’s temperature before coming to the masjid. If they have a fever, cough, body ache, difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea and headache, please do not send them to school.
No hugging or shaking hands.
Students who arrive to school, unaccompanied by parents, with 100 degrees Fahrenheit or fall ill during school hours will be moved to a separate area until their parents can pick them up.
Students, parents, staffs and volunteers who are not vaccinated are requested to wear masks and social distance.
Students are required to bring their own water bottle. Eating and drinking will not be allowed in the lobby or hallway with the exception of drinking from the water fountains and water dispensers, with limited number of students at a time. They are required to sanitize their hands before returning to class.
Students are allowed in restrooms with limited number of students at a time. They are required to wash their hands thoroughly before leaving the restroom, and sanitize them before entering the classroom.
During wudu, students must maintain 3 feet distance from other students. Only limited number of students allowed in the wudu area.
The above recommendations are subject to change at any time based on current CDC and Illinois Department of Health guidelines.